Do you think small, act small and be small?  Your behavior is a result of your limiting beliefs.  What if you opened your mind to possibilities just outside of the realm of the impossible?  It is only impossible because you believe it to be so.  What if the earth were really flat, that no one ever ran the four minute mile, that buildings could only be three stories and the tooth fairy really exists?

That sounds ridiculous in light of what we now call the facts.  Imagine the difference if no one ever dared to challenge the ‘standard’.  Now your opportunity lies in challenging your limiting beliefs, observing where you’re being less than you know you can and seeing yourself into the ‘bigness’ of who you really are.

roadDay 25 Take the path that curves.  Become the person who sees ideas differently and unafraid to take the road less traveled.  Read everything!  Become uncompromising in surrounding yourself with bigger ideas.