While building a life for ourselves it’s important to remember to help someone.  Too often we are so occupied with our needs, our lack that we fail to see the abundance in our life.  Abundance is not merely money.  It is health, happiness, clean water, safe environment, family, friends and the list goes on.

Residential district with chimneysNow just imagine what would happen in our neighborhood, our community, our nation and the world if we were to stop seeing lack and see abundance.  Imagine safety, clean water, happiness, health and so much more for everyone.  When we make a conscious effort to make our brothers’ and sisters’ problems our own, when we feel their pain then with a collective consciousness we can bring about change.

Collectively focusing on abundance we can build a better community and working together we can solve problems.

When you think about ‘who are you really’, be sure to reflect on how your being impacts your family, community and the world.

Day 41 Build and maintain our community together and make our brother’s and sister’s problems our problems and to solve them together.