I declare the Month of September to be SELF-Awareness Month because it is the time when we get to slow down, take notice and reconnect with our inner being, our SELF. Our SELF is exhausted from keeping up with our frenetic pace of summer. We know that summer is only 100+ days so we keep them filled to overflowing with activities. Some of the activities we enjoy others not so much.

autumn-leaves*Sigh* Now comes September bringing the last major summer holiday with cook outs and final beach days, children are back in school, work projects are getting done and soon the cool, crisp feeling of autumn in the air. We have longed for and looked forward to this relaxed time since the first very hot day of summer. We’ve visualized watching the vibrant color of the leaves reminding us to slow down, smelling the smoke from the first fire in the fireplace and of course drinking a glass of red wine to bring in the season.

Now is the time for reflection and contemplation. This is the time to “BE still” and communicate with yourSELF! Click to Tweet

This is the time to allow yourSELF to speak to you, to tell you how special you are, to tell you how loved you are, to tell you how beautiful you are and so much more while inviting you to reconnect.

You might be wondering, “how will I know when mySELF is talking to me?” You will know because there is a feeling of:

• Stillness inside. You can feel your body relaxing. It is as if your body has slowed down to allow this communication.
• Safety, deep within your being, you know that this is true, and that no harm can come to you from this communication.
• Sureness, your body, mind and spirit tells you that this is honest, and that now is the time to listen to what your SELF is saying.
• Bliss, you begin to notice the joy you feel and experience laughter daily.

Much of what your SELF is saying you already know but have discarded or forgotten. The SELF’s job is to remind you of who you are, and your greatness. It also reminds you of your potential and your birthright to experience bliss.Be mindful of the small voice asking you to reconnect. Even though you’re not quite sure of what is happening, relax into it and allow it to flow. Pay attention to the words, the inflections, the nuances without judgment and acknowledge receipt. Do NOT argue!

Much of what your SELF is saying you already know but have discarded or forgotten. The SELF’s job is to remind you of who you are, and your greatness. It also reminds you of your potential and your birthright to experience bliss.

Now that you’ve been reminded, what would your life like be if money, time, energy and etc. were not an issue? Take some time to reflect on what you desire for your life. Look at all of the opportunities, and then choose the one that makes your heart sing, causes you to laugh out loud and begin working on it. Click here to join the 7 Days To Blissful Living Challenge.

Inez Bracy is a masterful coach, engaging keynote speaker, trainer and seminar presenter. She is passionately committed to guiding professional and executive women over 50 to achieve confidence, clarity, choice, courage and freedom so they can live their life on their on terms.

Inez can guide you to achieve the results you desire and the life you imagine. Join us in the 7 Days To Blissful Living Challenge! and get started living the life you imagine.