Discovering your genius is easier than you think.  With the abundance and rapidity of information and the myth of multi-tasking it’s no wonder your mind is full of chaos.  It’s amazing how holding everything in your mind stifles your genius and kills your creativity.  Using the services of a life coach is an excellent way to move out of chaos into calm when you’re ready to tap into your creativity.

Letting go of useless information stimulates the genius process.  As you begin the transition of releasing the useless information piece by piece, you will marvel at how clear headed/minded you are.  One of the ways to let go of information is to spend some time in reflection.

Spending time in reflection can be as easy as watching a slow moving meandering stream.  Or it can be watching the waves crashing in the ocean.  Some people like mountain climbing others prefer a slow leisurely walk.  Of course, sitting quietly in your favorite lounge chair also works.

Just the other day while watching a man and a little boy surf, I thought about the process of discovering the genius within.  We’re all born a genius.  What happened?  Watching the surfers gave a glimmer of an answer.  As the surfers paddled out to catch the waves, they were both knocked back, the waves knocked the little boy around like a feather.

After the wave would knock him back, he would paddle, paddle, and paddle furiously, pumping his little arms.  The next wave would come and he would start all over again.  He finally got out far enough catching the waves.  I couldn’t see his face but I could imagine his joy when he stood up and rode a wave.

This little boy showed a persistence that is often lost as you grow older.  Now think for a moment of the many times you’ve been knocked back by something.  With each knock your genius becomes deeper and deeper hidden.

Imagine what it would be like if you get right back up and paddle until you “catch the wave?”  See yourself with a big smile as you ride the wave to discovering your genius. As you take control of your “surf board” your persistence leads you to unveiling your dream.  Imagine the possibilities as you use these three steps to begin to discover your genius and uncover your creativity.

1.    Think.  Actively monitor your thoughts and beliefs.  Determine what thoughts and beliefs are hiding your genius.
2.    Persistence.  Everyday spend time thinking about who you are and who you desire to be.  Be prepared to throw out the beliefs that are stifling your genius.
3.    Take baby steps.  It’s important to embrace the process fully.  Taking baby steps allows you to feel the feelings that will come when you’re releasing ‘old’ emotions, beliefs and thoughts.
Begin your journey to discover the genius within.  Feel confident that you’re doing what’s right for you.  Research when necessary, reflect and meditate to make sure you’re on your right track.  Listen to your inner voice.  Most importantly, enjoy, have fun and know that discovering the genius within is okay.