The week is flying by and I’m wondering ‘will I get it all done?’  There I go again, future thought losing the enjoyment of this precious moment.  Boomer women do you find yourself wondering where the time has gone and then look back to see what you’ve done with it.  Is there really such a thing as ‘time’ or is it all an illusion?

Just the other day I was deeply involved in completing a project and didn’t realize how much time had passed until it started getting dark.  Wow!  I forgot to eat.  That’s totally not like me, usually I set aside time to eat, for breaks and etc.  Amazingly, I didn’t even hear the rumblings of my stomach demanding food until I completed my project.

So boomer women, that got me to thinking, “what is time” and “is time really real”?  When I look at time as a way of making a schedule and staying on it, it’s real.  When I look at time as I did on the day I forgot to eat, it’s not real.  You see, I was totally involved and lived in each moment without thinking about it.

My conclusion, totally non-scientific, when I live my life fully present in each moment, time has no meaning, it is an illusion.

Now just think what that can mean for you boomer women!  Time as an illusion allows and empowers you to live fully enjoying each moment with no concern for the past or the future.  You can create and design each moment to experience exquisite, unspeakable joy.  Each moment becomes a beacon, your light shining on all who experience your uniqueness.

What do you think about that boomer women becoming a beacon for all to enjoy your light?