I met a most delightful woman, Angela, the other day from Minnesota.  She is 57 years young and is tired of the winters in Minnesota so she packed up and moved to Marco Island, FL.  She and other boomer women have the opportunity/choice to live the life they desire.  Getting clear on what you desire in your life is the first step to manifesting it.

Angela’s desire to be in Marco transcended caution and what one would call common sense.  She came to Marco without a place to stay and without a job with the belief that she would attract both.  She did however; bring a tent, one burner stove and cot with her just in case she had to camp out.

Angela has attracted a dream job and an awesome place to live.  She’s doing what she loves!  She exudes happiness and is enjoying life.

Talking with Angela it became clear to me that when you put all of your energy into what you want it shows up in your life.  Of course Angela and other boomer women have fears about taking risks.  The question is do you give in to your fears or go through.

What risk are you not taking allowing your fears to keep you stuck?  When will you make the decision to REALLY live your dream life?