living smart and wellMonday, February 2, 2009 at 12:00 Noon EST.  Click here to listen.

Inez Bracy interviews Montel Williams, an Emmy Award-winning talk show host, a decorated former naval intelligence officer, a New York Times bestselling author, motivational speaker and philanthropist. Inez and Montel will discuss his newest book, Living Well Emotionally.

Montel says “This book is about your happiness: how to understand it, how to cultivate it, and how to achieve it in your life.”

In Living Well Emotionally, Montel’s own dramatic story, together with case histories and expert opinions illuminate the path to joy and emotional well-being.

Montel will be Inez’ guest the first 10 minutes of the show.

Robin Westen, The Big Book of Relationship Quizzes, will be Inez’ guest for the remainder of the show. Robin’ quizzes give insight into:

*Do you follow your heart
*What kind of friend are you
*Rate your party panache
*How passionate are you

Combining the information on Montel’s cultivating happiness and Robin’s quizzes, you will be ready for that special someone on Valentine’s Day.

This is the one show you don’t want to miss!