Internet/online dating is all the rage.  I’ve noticed that the online dating sites are targeting boomers in their TV commercials.  They show couples who’ve met on their site and have established long term relationships or marriage saying “joining the site was the best thing they ever did”.

After seeing a few ads, I decided to preview some of the sites.  Many of the men had interesting profiles so I joined one site with, what appeared to me to have the most likely prospects.  Based on their dating profiles, no one was under 5’8, all were fit and enjoyed many of the things I enjoy.

Have you ever met someone for coffee based on their online profile and a few phone conversations?  You had great chemistry on the phone and looked forward to getting to know the person in person.

Yesterday, I did just that!  I met for coffee expecting to see a 5’8 gentleman who turned out to be more like 5’2.  Should this matter, for me it was a huge red flag.  Why would anyone lie about something as obvious as height?  If one lies about height, what other lies are they telling?

What do you write in your internet dating profile?  How much truth should one reveal?  When is it okay to skirt the truth?

Hmmmm, things that make you think!