Seeing The Watchmen, The Surrogates and The Avatar I discovered a common theme.  Could it be that boomers have lived their lives so focused on survival and one upmanship, control and ego that they’re missing out on what their brain can truly do and the life they can truly have?

In each of the mentioned films, a machine, created by man allowed him to use his brain to control a ‘puppet’ that became him.  Imagine the possibilities available to boomer women if they were to really tap into that part of the brain that allowed them to get past the primal instinct of survival and begin to see, feel and understand the connection between all things.

If boomers truly believed we were all connected, would there be room for living a life of mediocrity, a life of unhappiness and a life of self destruction. Would boomers not use their minds in more constructive ways?  In the Avatar, it became very clear that when the soldiers were on their way to destroy the natives, they entered into a vortex that caused them to lose the use of all the navigational instruments.  They had to use their ‘sight’ to get to the other side.

Are boomer women stuck in a ‘vortex’ on their way to self destruction?  And refuse to get to the other side because they refuse to ‘see’ the how their life can really be?  Boomers were the change in the 60’s that started a whole new world.  Then, became frightened and lost their way when they saw their leaders killed, their friends killed in protests, dogs and fire hoses turned on humans and along with dinner each night they saw the killing and devastation of the Viet Nam War on TV.

Each movie ends with some kind of destruction.  Is Hollywood preparing boomer women for their own inevitable destruction?  Boomer women become the walking dead because they are fearful of letting go, of dreaming, of being empowered.  Is Hollywood telling boomer women that there is an alternative if they but seek to know themselves, meditate, reflect and get in touch with their true nature?  Is it warning them that they still have time to change their life if they let go of the mass consciousness that is so negative, divisive, and pervasive and start a new way of thinking that is positive, inclusive and omnipresent.

Changing your thinking, changes your attitudes and behaviors.  Boomer women can change their life one thought at a time!

What do you think Hollywood is telling you?