Is your life exactly the way you desire it to be? Or is the life you desire somewhere out of reach and it seems that no matter how you try, it remains out of reach. I, too experienced this same phenomena when my life was off track and out of alignment.

Finally, I decided that I was tired of feeling shackled and couldn’t do it alone. I was ready to break every chain and be free. So I hired a coach. Working with my coach, I discovered/uncovered some long held limiting beliefs that kept me stuck and prevented me from living my life my way. I learned about the power of choice and how valuable it is when getting unstuck to calm and creating my life, my way.Finally, I decided that I was tired of feeling shackled and couldn’t do it alone. I was ready to break every chain and be free. So I hired a coach. Working with my coach, I discovered/uncovered some long held limiting beliefs that kept me stuck and prevented me from living my life my way. I learned about the power of choice and how valuable it is when getting unstuck to calm and creating my life, my way.

I had spent way too much time being stuck wishing and hoping that things would be different; and if only…

Do you know that only 20% of people know about and understand they have the power to choose. They no longer have to wish and hope, they get to choose to become unstuck, living the life they yearn for, on their on terms and unapologetically. Because, we have a tendency to be apologetic and feel guilty when we break loose from our ‘norm’ and start creating our new normal.

Using your power of choice sets you apart from more than 80% of people. Spending time wishing and hoping ensures that you are in the 80%. Taking charge, making a choice and going for it sets you apart. So don’t let your life just happen – choose it!

One of the secrets of people who know ‘who they really are’ is they work with a coach and learn to choose their life. Click to Tweet

They choose to set goals and meet challenges. They choose their lifestyle, their friends, their career, where they live, their Just in case you’re wondering “is it as easy as that”? The answer is yes! Let me add that it takes work and diligence to stay in your power of choosing. It’s work because there will always be outside forces, friends, family, news, that present ideas that sound great. Your choice then is to determine if it fits with ‘who you really are’ and ‘who you are becoming’.spiritual life and everything that deals with their life.

No more guilt, shame or resentment now because you understand that using your power of choice allows you freedom to LIVE your life your way. Yes, some people might think you’re being selfish, bless them and keep on living.

Just in case you’re wondering “is it as easy as that”? The answer is yes! Let me add that it takes work and diligence to stay in your power of choosing. It’s work because there will always be outside forces, friends, family, news, that present ideas that sound great. Your choice then is to determine if it fits with ‘who you really are’ and ‘who you are becoming’.

Choose to become unstuck, and be empowered by living a “get to” life instead of a “have to” life. Practice using your power of choice to create the unstoppable, extraordinary life you desire. Click here now and schedule your Discovery Session.