How To Embrace Change: Endings & Beginnings

Boomer woman you know your greatest desire is to change, but it seems dangerous and too much work.  Dangerous because who would you be, how would you feel and how would you act?  So, instead of going for your greatest desire, you find yourself running from place to place to get out of the way [...]

How The 5 Second Rule Helps Change Your Life

Using the 5 second rule helps change your life because it is the time between a thought and taking action. Using this rule helps to keep self-doubt at bay while building confidence to change your life. Most every morning at 8AM EDT I join a Mastermind Call that helps me to remind myself of who I [...]

How The Mind Works

I’m constantly amazed at how the mind works. Just the other night, my friend Helen and I were talking about a situation she had just experienced on a dating site.  She is brand new to using dating sites and is baffled at the jargon and surprised by the unkept appearance of some of the men.  [...]

Take Good Care Of Yourself

Taking good care of yourself begins in the mind.  How do you think about you?  How do you feel about you?  Answering these questions will get you started on your own self-care regimen giving you the feeling of living your life on your own terms. When I first started on my quest to living on [...]

Absolutely See Yourself Living Your Life Your Way Now!

Is your life exactly the way you desire it to be? Or is the life you desire somewhere out of reach and it seems that no matter how you try, it remains out of reach. I, too experienced this same phenomena when my life was off track and out of alignment. Finally, I decided that [...]

How do I explain my travel dreams to my family and friends?

How to explain my travel dreams to my friends and family was very difficult especially because they don't desire to travel outside of the United States. They were very afraid that something terrible would happen to me. Their fears were based on watching the news and reading the papers. I decided that the best way [...]

2017-02-16T14:23:10-04:00October 26th, 2015|Categories: Travel Tips|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

Boomer women you like Alice have choices!

Alice can’t seem to stay out of trouble.  Having been sent on an errand by the rabbit she drinks from an unmarked bottle and grows to a giant size.  A size so large she can’t get out of the room or the house.  The rabbit comes home to discover he can’t get into his room.  [...]

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