Are your thoughts, beliefs attitudes and behaviors causing you to think too small?  It is possible for boomer women to be in such a ‘holding pattern’ of thinking that no matter what is right in front of them, they can’t see it.  Others see their greatness and wonder.  They talk to them and discover that every suggestion they give, the boomer replies with “but.”  This myopic way of thinking keeps boomer women from seeing their greatness and hinders their performance.  Myopic thinking enslaves boomer women to the traditional way of being instead of freeing them to live the life they dream about.

As a boomer woman I’ve found myself in the myopic thinking situation.  My coach would say, “Inez, if you could only see what I see for you”.  I’d leave that session thinking and asking “how can I see bigger?”  What do I need to do to see and play bigger?  Working with my coach I was able to peel back the layers and discovered Six Principles that helped me to see and play bigger.  These principles were there all along; I just didn’t see them nor know how to use them.  Having an understanding coach helped me to self discovery and freed me to create the life I dream about.

These are the principles I used and still use to think bigger, see bigger and play bigger.  It is soooo much fun!

  1. Act on your intuition, even if you can’t see the practical benefit.  Intuition is your message that you are growing and ready for the next challenge.
  2. Combine all phases of your life.  Learn to become playful so that work is play, habits become positive routines and you have support in all things.
  3. Know your strengths.  Work towards perfecting your strengths which is a catalyst for playing bigger.
  4. Take the path that curves.  Become the person who sees ideas differently and unafraid to take the road less traveled.
  5. Create a supportive environment that stimulates you.  Allow your environment to evolve in support of who you are and who you are becoming.
  6. Read everything!  Become uncompromising in surrounding yourself with bigger ideas.

Boomer women can release myopic thinking and see bigger and play bigger creating a life of fulfillment and enjoyment.

When you’re ready to release your myopic thinking and live the life of freedom you desire, email me, to schedule a 15 minute laser coaching session to get you started.  I’d be delighted to help you peel back your layers.