technologyRemember a time when you were stuck in traffic?  You were pinned in with a car in front, a car to the right and another on your left.  You’re muttering under your breath, “Why doesn’t somebody MOVE?”  Nevertheless, no, they muddle along and so must you.  The time ticks away faster and faster. You pace with your foot on the brake feeling trapped.  Feeling stuck.

Now just imagine for a minute the same scenario with your dreams all around you.  As boomers we have so many dreams.  We were brought up in a time when we were encouraged to dream.  Did you ever hear “the world is your oyster?”  Your dreams are still there waiting to be fulfilled.  So you feel stuck and your dreams are just out of reach.  You’re pacing your life away waiting for the right opportunity or enough money or to retire or to meet the right person or you fill in the blank.

Does this feel familiar?

Day 19 Choose one dream today and begin to see opportunities in places you never thought to look before.  Begin to slowly focus on the one dream and move it forward.