About Inez Bracy

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So far Inez Bracy has created 242 blog entries.

Day 41 of 45 Day Challenge: Collective Responsibility

While building a life for ourselves it’s important to remember to help someone.  Too often we are so occupied with our needs, our lack that we fail to see the abundance in our life.  Abundance is not merely money.  It is health, happiness, clean water, safe environment, family, friends and the list goes on. Now [...]

2016-11-30T10:56:06-04:00December 28th, 2009|Categories: Desires, Lifestyle|Tags: , , , |3 Comments

Day 40 of 45 Day Challenge: Silence is Ladylike

Boomer women have been taught that “silence is ladylike” so we have kept many of our thoughts and desires to ourselves.  Being silent has prevented us from having the relationships we desired, the jobs we wanted and being the person we knew ourselves to be.  Even though we have done well, climbing the corporate ladder, [...]

Day 39 of 45 Day Challenge: We Are One

Now that Christmas Day is over, how are you planning to carry the spirit of the season into the remainder of this year and next?  It’s so important to continue to feel and share your love.  Sharing your love is one way to bridge the connection that we are one. This 45 Day Challenge started [...]

2016-11-30T10:56:06-04:00December 26th, 2009|Categories: Lifestyle, Lifestyle Transitions|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Day 38 of 45 Day Challenge: Merry Christmas

Are you caught up in perfectionism today?  All the food must be perfect, table beautifully set, Christmas music playing as you sit down for dinner.  It really doesn’t matter if everything is prefect.  The only thing that matters is sharing, giving, receiving and loving. Give thanks and enjoy this day. Merry Christmas. Day 38 Today [...]

2016-11-30T10:56:06-04:00December 25th, 2009|Categories: Lifestyle|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Day 37 of 45 Day Challenge: Twas the Day Before Christmas!

Twas the day before Christmas and all thru the land, people were scurrying to get last minute deals for their clan The kitchen was ablaze with smells of cooking galore, oh my goodness someone’s at the door Family and friends gather around the tree, singing Christmas Carols with glee To day while preparing for tomorrow’s [...]

2016-11-30T10:56:06-04:00December 24th, 2009|Categories: Lifestyle, Lifestyle Transitions|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Day 36 of 45 Day Challenge: Seeing Joy in All Things!

The family and friends that you've been waiting to see all year are finally arriving with a loud clatter of holiday cheer!  You still have much to do and are beginning to feel some frustration instead of the joy you desire.   Your challenge for today is to release the frustration and fully enjoy your [...]

2016-11-30T10:56:06-04:00December 23rd, 2009|Categories: Lifestyle, Lifestyle Transitions|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Day 35 of 45 Day Challenge: Get Excited About Your Life!

Have you ever watched a two or three year old exploring their world?  Each item they come across is picked up, and examined with great excitement and expectation.  They turn it every way they can to get a grasp of what the item is.  Once they have mastered it, they move on to the next [...]

2016-11-30T10:56:06-04:00December 22nd, 2009|Categories: Goals, Lifestyle|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Day 34 of 45 Day Challenge: Red Pill, Blue Pill?

I think I’m most likely the last person on the planet to watch the Matrix.  I was enthralled with the movie.  Of course it caused me to think about how we live our daily life.  It’s not unusual to walk around in what I consider a hypnotic state, a daymare; we watch the same news, [...]

2016-11-30T10:56:06-04:00December 21st, 2009|Categories: Goals, Lifestyle|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Day 33 of 45 Day Challenge: The Principle of Rhythm

“Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.” ~~The Kybalion The rhythm of life and the pendulum swings.  A couple of days ago I called [...]

2016-11-30T10:56:06-04:00December 20th, 2009|Categories: Lifestyle|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Day 32 of 45 Day Challenge: The Power of Choice

Using your power of choice sets you apart from more than 80% of people.  Spending time wishing and hoping ensures that you are in the 80%.  Taking charge, making a choice and going for it sets you apart.  So don't let your life just happen – choose it! One of the secrets of people who [...]

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