Boomer women have been taught that “silence is ladylike” so we have kept many of our thoughts and desires to ourselves.  Being silent has prevented us from having the relationships we desired, the jobs we wanted and being the person we knew ourselves to be.  Even though we have done well, climbing the corporate ladder, starting our own business and so much more, we’re still reminded that “silence is ladylike.”

j0444112Now that we’re of a “certain age” it’s time to dispel the notion of ‘silence’, that we must “go along to get along” and that we have nothing of value to say.  The sun is setting on the ‘silence’.  We get to choose to be verbal as we redefine ourselves and our relationships.  This is a most wonderful time of the year to start the redefining process.

Clean out the closets, clean out your mind, clean out the garage…just get rid of the stuff that no longer fits with who you really are and who you’re becoming.

The punishments we’ve inflicted on ourselves for being silent are much too great!  The idea that “silence is ladylike” has outlived its usefulness.

Day 40 Define ourselves, name ourselves, create for ourselves and speak for ourselves.