Wednesday’s Inspirational Thought

While walking this morning I saw a rabbit hopping.  I noticed that when the rabbit hopped, boomer women, she elongated her body to about twice her size.  When she landed her body went back to normal.  Of course this got me thinking about personal growth and accomplishing my goals.  Like many of you, I’ll stretch and get started on my goals then something happens and I land in a space that makes my goals seem so big that it would be easier to give up; to stop hopping!

The rabbit had a goal/destination and paid no attention (I think) to her process of getting there.  It was normal for her to continue hopping.  What if she had stopped after the first hop or the second?

Have you ever had a goal and stopped after you didn’t reach it the first or second time?  Somewhere in the back of your mind you were thinking “this just wasn’t meant to be.”

What would be different in your life if you’d kept on ‘hopping’?

This little rabbit reaffirmed for me that nothing is over until I stop ‘hopping’.  Nothing is finished until I say it is.  Each time I get back up and start hopping is an opportunity to achieve my goals.

AND, I can keep on hopping until it is achieved!

I’d love to hear your thoughts.  Are you hopping along and stretching toward your goals or have you landed and decided the distance/your goal is too great to continue hopping?

Hopping along,

Inez Bracy

Lifestyle Transitions Coach

For more tips on achieving your goals, email