I was talking with a friend last night and she was whining about having to get up EARLY to take her car for service.  It got me thinking about how boomer women take better care of your cars than you do yourself.  You would never miss a Service appointment, no matter how inconvenient.  Boomer women carefully follow the manual.  You have regular oil changes, service maintenance and take care to check the battery and the air in the tires.  Many boomer women even have their car detailed!

What would be different in your life if you came with a Service Manual?  Would you follow the manual to better spiritual, physical, emotional health and longevity?  Or would you whine about it being inconvenient and let months and years go by without getting serviced?

Today, you, boomer woman, get to create your own Service Manual!  You choose how to best take care of you for maximum spiritual, physical, emotional health and longevity.  In your Service manual, you can have as many massages, body wraps, exercises, retreats, time for self, entertainment and the list is endless.  Put into your Service Manual whatever causes you to laugh, lifts your spirits and brings you joy and then FOLLOW through!

I’d love to hear from you.  Be sure to leave your comments on how you created your Service Manual.