Boomer women have many opportunities to react to different situations.  Your responses become so obvious and routine that family and friends expect them.  Just for today, this Wondrous Wednesday, surprise them.  Instead of rote, routine responses, take a few seconds to really think about “how would Christ respond to this”.  Those few seconds will make a world of difference.

Seeing the Christ in each situation allows boomer women to be guided by your spiritual thermostat.  The spiritual thermostat is always set at the proper temperature for finding the best in any situation just as your healthy body is set at 98.6 degrees.  Your spiritual thermostat is set at 100%!  You can choose a different response 100% of the time when you allow yourself to be guided by spirit.

For some boomer women using your spiritual thermostat to guide you might be a little bit more difficult because you’ve become accustomed to responding in certain ways.  Just for today, this Wondrous Wednesday, do a new thing, use a few seconds to think about your response and enjoy the look of awe and surprise on the faces of your family and friends.  Notice the shift in the energy around the situation and feel the joy you helped create.