Changing your thinking can literally change your life.  Boomer women let’s play a little word game this morning.  I’ll write a word and you will pay attention to what you see and feel.







Did you see a typical house in any neighborhood or did you see a mansion?  Did you see a thoroughbred in the Kentucky Derby or the Budweiser Clydesdale?  What about the other words?  Boomer women what were your feelings as you saw the words?

Did your picture change once I mentioned mansion and Clydesdale?  How did that make you feel?  What if the house is now placed on a farm with rolling hills and green pastures with the horse in it?  Did the picture for your house and horse change?  Did your feelings change?

You think in three dimensions boomer women so most likely when you saw the words you saw something three dimensional even though they are just words on one dimensional paper.  Thinking in three dimensions allows you to feel what you’re seeing.

Boomer women, play a game with yourself, see you in different scenarios that relate to your dream life.  Play this game as often as it takes for your subconscious to catch up and get on board to help you have the life you envision.

Using this simple exercise will help you create your new future, the future you’ve been promising yourself.  Boomer women changing your thinking to what you want is a powerful manifesting tool to create the life you dream about.