j0439328Life is not about trying; it’s about doing.  Just for today instead of saying “I’ll try say I’ll do” and notice the difference.  The word ‘try’ often leads down the primrose path of failure, unhappiness and little or no joy and nothing gets done.

Having an “I’ll do” attitude opens the channels for allowing opportunities to happen.  Obstacles and challenges become opportunities because you see them differently.  Instead of looking at what’s missing begin to see the possibilities.

Seeing possibilities helps you tap into your intuition.  Following your intuition is much like a river; it just flows.  When you stop trying, and start doing your life begins to flow easily and effortlessly.   This doesn’t mean that you will not have some bumps, curves, hills and valleys.  It does mean that nothing is too big for you to handle.

Day 11 What are you trying to do today?  Take a step back and see yourself doing and allowing instead of trying.