Alice found herself in unfamiliar territory.  So after sitting at a table for a while she decided to look around.  She found many locked doors as she walked up and down the hallway.  Returning to the table she saw a golden key.  On her second trip she was saddened when the key didn’t open any of the doors but discovered a curtain covering a small door that the key opened.  Through the small opening Alice saw the most beautiful garden.

Are you walking down the corridors of your mind and saddened when you find locked doors boomer women?  Do you allow the doors to stay locked or do you like Alice discover the golden key?  Wouldn’t it be lovely if you like Alice discover just one small curtain, one small opening that allows you to use your golden key to peek inside and see what your life could really be?  Looking into that small opening, take a moment to visualize what your life might be like if you just take one step inside.

Your golden key is waiting to be discovered to open the door to your dreams boomer women.  The doors in your corridors are not locked as tightly as you would think.  Your golden key has been hidden far too long and now is the time to take the key, open the door and start designing and creating the life you’ve dreamed about boomer women.

Take some time today boomer women to walk down the corridors of your mind, your dreams, use your golden key to unlock just one door.

What do you see?  How does it make you feel?