Love radiates from within and is expressed in many ways.  Living in today’s society, we sometimes get too busy to express our love for someone.  We know that we care andlove1 take for granted that they know too!

Do you have siblings?  Have you ever told them how much you care about them, how you admire them and how proud you are of them?  I have four living siblings.  The most unusual occurred the other day.  While talking to one of them, she said, “I really admire you and your knowledge”.  Could have knocked me over with a feather!  We always end every call with “I love ya” but this went beyond that.  She not only told me but also then elaborated on the things I’ve done to warrant her admiration.  I was totally unprepared for the validation but incredibly pleased.

When was the last time you told someone you love them and then gave them a validation of who they are for you?  If it’s been far too long, think of someone and make their day NOW!