“Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.” ~~The Kybalion

Women over 50 know a thing or two about rhythm.   We have experienced many situations, events, incidences and opportunities from the depths of despair to the pinnacle of bliss and still we wonder “how did I get here?”  We “get here” because the pendulum never stops swinging, even though we are oblivious to the swing until something jolts us.

This jolt causes us to stop and notice what is going in our world; causes us to pay attention. Click to Tweet

The rhythm of life vibrates and surges through us bringing untold joy and unspeakable sadness.   When we are in either state, blissful or sad we have tapped into the greater energy of the universe, unconsciously connecting our thoughts to the others whirling around us.

This unconscious connection supports us in whichever state we are experiencing because it allows us to choose to accept or release the thoughts.

The rhythm of life vibrates and surges through us bringing untold joy and unspeakable sadness. When we are in either state, blissful or sad we have tapped into the greater energy of the universe, unconsciously connecting our thoughts to the others whirling around us. This unconscious connection supports us in whichever state we are experiencing because it allows us to choose to accept or release the thoughts.Using the Principle of Rhythm, we consciously:

  • Change state anytime we desire
  • Become aware of the pendulum swing
  • Know that the swing is always supportive

Because we know that everything flows, everything moves and we get to choose to be in the moment of the flow, lifting our vibration and allowing the rhythm to move us.

Yes, woman over 50, we have all been through some rhythms and had we known the outcome we would have done differently.  Knowing that we can only ‘know’ what we ‘know’ in the moment, we get to be alright with where we are and release those things about which we can do nothing.

What will you do differently to pay attention to your rhythms and create your lifestyle your way, on your own terms?

Inez Bracy, Audacious Living Coach

I understand how frightening and frustrating it can be to destroy long held beliefs.  It doesn’t matter how many times you change your beliefs.  What matters is that you are willing to change and create the lifestyle you desire!  Click here to get your FREE 30-minute consult now!