If you could be anyone you want, who would you BE?  What would that ‘BE’ look and feel like?  Women throughout the ages have wrestled with those questions.  Wrestling with those questions often stop boomer women from living the life they desire simply because of the boundaries you’ve been given.

Women were told to be seen and not heard.  Women don’t talk nor laugh out loud.  Women MUST keep their real feelings in check i.e. don’t let anyone know what you’re feeling.  AND you mustn’t ever let anyone know what you’re really thinking!

Do you remember Coke or Pepsi being your favorite drink of choice but ordering Orange or Grape when out on a date because you were told “it’s not ladylike to drink those strong sodas?” (Or was this a Southern teaching)

So much of what boomer women were taught seemed to ensure that you would always be lesser and weaker in your endeavors.  Even though deep inside you knew you could be so much more, you ignored your intuition.  The boundaries given by your Mothers, Aunts and other female care givers, prepared you well to accept less and be less.

No wonder women are walking around with so much anxiety, high blood pressure, and diabetes and now having heart attacks at the rate of men!

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could change all of that?  You can you know, changing your current state is easier than you think.

The first step to changing is making a decision.  Once the decision is made, choose one thing, one idea that you’d like to change.  Write out some steps you will use to achieve this change.  Spend time thinking about how that change will look, feel and be.  Start acting on your steps, see yourself as if the change has already happened and feel the emotions.

You can BE all that you desire to BE!  Take action now on changing your life!



Lifestyle Transitions Coach