Are you feeling ‘out of sorts’ and don’t know why? Could it be that you’re not listening to the cries from your soul to do something different? is it possible that you’re not living your purpose?

What is your purpose?  When we’re feeling this way, it is not unusual to awaken and begin to ponder “what is my Are you feeling 'out of sorts' and don't know why? Could it be that you're not listening to the cries from your soul to do something different? is it possible that you're not living your purpose?  What is your purpose?  When we're feeling this way, it is not unusual to awaken and begin to ponder “what is my purposeful livingapurpose?”  We look at where we are this week, month or year as compared to last and find that much of what we didn’t want is still here and much of what we said we wanted is still not present.purpose?”  We look at where we are this week, month or year as compared to last and find that much of what we didn’t want is still here and much of what we said we wanted is still not present.

Tweet: Could it be that we think we’re doing one thing and discover we’re just continuing old habits expecting different results? defines purpose thusly,

  1. the reason for which something exists, or is done, made, used, etc.
  2. an intended or desired result; end; aim; or goal
  3. determination; resoluteness
  4. the subject in hand, the point at issue
  5. practical result, effect or advantage; to act of good purpose

One of my clients came to me after recently leaving the workforce.  She was not of retirement age but felt she had worked enough and had the money on which to live.  She found herself with nothing to do.  In search of something to fill her days, she shopped and shopped until that became boring.

Then, she was invited to a casino and fell in love. She loved it so much she spent most of her money and was about to go into debt prior to coming to me.  Working with me she answered her question “who am I really” and “why am I here.”  My client stopped gambling and uncovered her purpose which is working with the elderly.  She is now working with the elderly and no longer gambles.
Then, she was invited to a casino and fell in love. She loved it so much she spent most of her money and was about to go into debt prior to coming to me.  Working with me she answered her question "who am I really" and "why am I here."  My client stopped gambling and uncovered her purpose which is working with the elderly.  She is now working with the elderly and no longer gambles. PURPOSEa It is important to first answer “who are you really” to discover/uncover/define/unveil your purpose.  Why are you here, what have you done to add value for you and others and what will you do differently?  Using the definitions above, or make your own, determine where you are on your journey.
It is important to first answer “who are you really” to discover/uncover/define/unveil your purpose.  Why are you here, what have you done to add value for you and others and what will you do differently?  Using the definitions above, or make your own, determine where you are on your journey.

If you find that you’re not on your purpose at this time take some quiet time and ask that your purpose is unveiled to you.

Tweet: Follow your own path, your own purpose. Sculpt the path for which your soul cries. You are not required to live someone else’s dream.


Do always as much as you can, in the way you can, in order to to be peaceful and leave your community more beautiful and beneficial than you inherited it.

My gift to you. I understand how frightening and frustrating it can be when discovering your purpose. It doesn’t matter how many times you decide to follow your path.  What matters is that you are willing to change, follow your purpose and create the lifestyle you desire!  Click here to get your FREE 30-minute consult now!

Inez Bracy
Audacious Living Coach