Boomer women do you know you possess unlimited power!  Your power has shown up in spurts over the years when something happened and you just took charge and made everything okay.

Imagine what your life would be like if you consciously tap into this power daily.  Knowing that you have this power and that you can harness it anytime you want makes you unstoppable.  Think for a minute about something you’ve been putting off or feeling just a little off center about.

Ask yourself “what about this is causing me unease and to put it off”.  This is the beginning of tapping into your glorious, inherent power, your inner self that is connected with the Divine.  Once you ask the question be willing to accept the answer and be okay with it.  Accepting the answer and being okay can lead to asking more questions.

So now boomer women you’re thinking, “when do I stop asking”, you stop asking questions about the issue when you resonate with the answer, when the answer propels you to take action or non-action.

Tapping into your inherent, unlimited power empowers you to move through the fear, move through the negative beliefs and attitudes.  This unlimited power allows you to boldly decree and know that you are creating the life you desire and deserve.