Knowing the truth about using self-talk is the most important key to opening the door to living blissfully.  According to a study in 1911 by neuroscientists Dr. Henry Head and Dr. Gordon Morgan Holmes women who wore large, tall, feathered hats as they walked through doorways ducked their heads even if they were not wearing a hat.  The women were so accustom to wearing tall hats, that even when they weren’t, their thoughts still dictated their actions. There was a direct connection between what they thought and what they did.

Tweet: Are you paying attention to your self-talk and noticing the connection to your behaviors? 

Knowing the truth about using self-talk is the most important key to opening the door to living blissfully. According to a study in 1911 by neuroscientists Dr. Henry Head and Dr. Gordon Morgan Holmes women who wore large, tall, feathered hats as they walked through doorways ducked their heads even if they were not wearing a hat. The women were so accustom to wearing tall hats, that even when they weren’t, their thoughts still dictated their actions. There was a direct connection between what they thought and what they did.Speaking loving, gentle, and kind words to yourself is the beginning of changing your attitudes and behaviors.  Women over 50 are inclined to spend an inordinate amount of time reliving past experiences.  Do you hear yourself saying, “I never should have done that” or “How could I be so stupid?” or “what in the world was I thinking?”  Focusing on negative issues, events, and situations that stay with us even though they were not enjoyable makes it difficult to use loving words.

These experiences are our reference points and used to gauge our response and behavior to new information and actions.  Women over 50 can usually look back into our memory and find a correlation for the present.

Perhaps there is nothing new under the sun AND we choose to see the same old thing in a different way?  What if we see with new eyes, hear with new ears, taste with new buds, feel with new feelings, and smell with a new nose.  Well, how do we do that Inez?

We get to choose to use self-talk to live blissfully!

? Recall times when you consciously manifested your desire.

Speak to yourself by using your name.

?? Think on things that are for your highest and best good.


Tweet: The goal is to remove “negative and pejorative terms” from your self-talk.

We get to choose EVERYTHING we desire in our life.  As we connect/reconnect with our inner SELF, we get to choose to allow ourselves to listen to the whispers that guide us to self-love, self-confidence, healthy self-esteem, self-worth, and knowledge of who we BE.  This BEingness empowers us to uncover/discover our purpose which when followed leads to exquisite living and bliss.

Now that you know the truth about using self-talk to live blissfully, whenever the ‘same old thoughts’ come up, stop for a minute and say, “that used to be me, (use your name) is now positive, loving and capable.”  By talking to yourself in the third person it puts distance between you and the event.  It’s up to you to change.  Watch this short video and notice how LeBron James uses the third person technique when leaving the Cleveland Browns.


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