A pile of nice shiny gold barsThe good witch said to Dorothy, “What have you learned from your experiences?”  Let’s pretend we are Dorothy and are on our Oz journey and ask ourselves, “What have I learned from my experiences.”  Our yellow brick road has been bright and shiny in some places, totally tarnished in others, very curvy and many detours.  Our choices have brought us to this time, this place and this experience.

If we look at today, this First Sunday, as the first fruits to begin a new way of thinking, a new way of being and doing a new thing we can choose to click our heels and go home.  Clicking our heels entails allowing time for self, time for reflection, being unafraid of the silence and being a willing participant in our life.  We are our own wizard!

Today is the day to realize that for every cause (thought), there is an equal reaction (response).  Our thoughts, attitudes and behaviors have created what is.

Choose one thing today that you would really like to see change/different.  Meditate on it.  Describe the change you desire, imagine the change is now, feel the feeling of having and being in the change now, hold the vision throughout the day.  Give thanks and be open to accepting and receiving.