You’re Hired!
You've finally gotten the job of your dreams! Now what? Click here to watch Tracey Edwards interview Inez Bracy, Lifestyle Transitions Coach, on Fox 4 Morning Blend for tips on being successful on your job.
You've finally gotten the job of your dreams! Now what? Click here to watch Tracey Edwards interview Inez Bracy, Lifestyle Transitions Coach, on Fox 4 Morning Blend for tips on being successful on your job.
I met a most delightful couple yesterday. They had been married 62 years and exuded joy, humor and good will. In fact, he was so exuberant that while we were talking he started dancing the Lindy! He is 91 years young. They believed that it was up to them to create their own joy. She [...]
What powerful ideas are you carrying around? Every idea that you have has been given to you by God. God is waiting for you to act on the ideas you’ve been given. Instead, you continue to beseech Him for the things that are already here. Your ideas are hanging out in ‘escrow’ eagerly waiting your [...]
You can still listen to the best of Living Smart and Well with Inez Bracy and Kirk Wilkinson, The Happiness Factor, Robin Kaplan, The Power of Small and Montel Williams, Living Well Emotionally. Click here to listen now. Living Smart and Well is taking the rest of the year off and will return on January [...]
Body image has become a big factor in how we see ourselves and can cause added stress during the holiday season. A constant refrain in our brain is “how many calories is that, or how many sit ups will I have to do, or what will my family say about the way I look, and [...]
Congratulate yourself on staying with the 45 Day Challenge. Some days have been easier than others. Think about the days when you read the challenge and said, “Oh this is exactly what I need today” or “Inez is crazy, why would I do that.” Each day’s challenge has been designed to cause you to think [...]
AND how will you know when you get it? Does this question cause internal struggle? The struggle occurs because you’re no longer sure of what you want and your life’s goals have become cloudy. You’ve grown accustomed to listening to and following the advice/suggestions of others. Vacillating back and forth in making a decision is [...]
Have you ever heard “joy cometh in the morning?” If you’re worrying and in pain right now, the secret is you don’t have to wait until morning! You can decide to experience joy this minute, right now. Changing your attitude and thought patterns can bring joy instantly. The choice is yours; you get to decide [...]
Do you think small, act small and be small? Your behavior is a result of your limiting beliefs. What if you opened your mind to possibilities just outside of the realm of the impossible? It is only impossible because you believe it to be so. What if the earth were really flat, that no one [...]
Have you found that you’re becoming more forgetful, more stressed and less tolerant? Are you doing a ‘thousand’ things simultaneously? This myth of multitasking leads to forgetfulness. The mind isn’t really designed to focus on many things at once. One of the ways to be less forgetful is to focus on one thing at a [...]