Boomer women, what is your backstory?  You know the story you tell yourself every time you fall short of your own expectations.  The story you tell yourself when you start to feel resentful because you said yes to something you really wanted to say no to.  The story you tell yourself when no one else is around and you think no one is looking.

I watched a movie last night, Love Happens, about a motivational speaker and author who was very good at helping others but had not faced his own backstory.  Not to give the plot away, the whole movie revolves around a dog in the road and a rainy night.

What is your dog in the road, the story that you so freely tell about your rainy night experiences, boomer women?  The story that everyone can relate to and offer you the sympathy you seek.  BUT are you admitting and telling the backstory to the dog in the road, the story that keeps you up at night that makes you your own caricature.

You know the story I’m talking about, the one that’s keeping you stuck, boomer women, holding you from your bliss, having the life you dream about and deserve.  The story, boomer women, that you’ve held on to for far too long, that causes you to feel shame and guilt, the feelings that you so abhor and want to release.

You can and must release the backstory, boomer women, if you desire to have a fulfilled, joyful, happy life.  Releasing the backstory requires being willing to do some in depth work on the inside.  Release those emotions that you’ve covered over, the beliefs that no longer serve you and the attitudes that keep you stuck.

I’m reminded of a poem by Langston Hughes:

Dream Deferred

What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up
Like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore–
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over–
like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.
Or does it explode?

You have choices boomer women, you don’t have to explode!  You can choose to begin the journey to self discovery and healing to live the life you desire and deserve.  Contact to schedule a strategy session to begin the journey of uncovering and releasing your backstory to authentically create the life you dream about, the life desire and deserve.