woodstockPractically everything we do starts with initiative.  Personal initiative is the ability to create, nurture and actualize.  Personal initiative is a choice.  It can be described as divine instruction leading to inspired action.  It requires using effective communication of ideas, visions and dreams for a desired result.

Taking personal initiative involves being innovative, facing fears, taking the first step and always holding your vision.  Boomer women have been taking initiative and leading the forefront of change ever since we burned our bras, set at lunch counters, loved the Beatles and took part in Woodstock.

Now baby boomer women are at a time in their lives when they get to take the initiative in creating the life they desire.  They can step fearlessly into this new passage, embracing and being the change.  No one knows exactly how it will be; they all know that having a clear vision allows them to create the new.

Day 12 What’s stopping you from your vision; holding you hostage and keeping you in a life of mediocrity.  Choose to do something BOLD today toward making your vision your reality.