Am I in the place I want to be in my life at this time?

What can I do to open myself to possibilities?

What can I do to see opportunities instead of challenges?

Who do I have to be to see the things I desire manifest in my life?

What do I have to do to become that person?

How do I silence that negative voice that stops me?

j0439239For many of us beginning a New Year can put us into a tailspin of doubt, questioning and can even lead to depression.  We look at all the things we said we would do the previous year and discover that only a small percentage was accomplished.  Do not be dismayed; rejoice in the fact that you did accomplish something!

Stop beating yourself up and begin anew with the dawning of the New Year and a New Decade.  Know that you are capable of setting intentions and achieving them with a plan and action.  For each intention you set, make it a goal and write out a plan.  All of this becomes moot if you do not ACT on it.  Action is the key to accomplishment.

I’m not discounting the spiritual or metaphysical part of the process.  I’m just saying that inspired action is required to manifest your intentions.