A couple of years ago I attended a three day workshop that purported to help one gain clarity and manifest their desires in the moment.  My one big hang up and take away from the workshop was, the leader kept saying and insisting that “everything you desire is already here.”  My thinking at the time was “if it’s already here, why don’t I see it or have it”.  I left the three days more confused than when I went.  Boomer women has this ever happened to you?

I now know that because of previous premature cognitive commitment (beliefs) I was unable to ‘see’ what was right in front of me.  For instance, boomer women have you ever looked for something “a thousand times” and not found or seen it?  Then one day you go back to the exact same spot and surprise it is right there!

What stopped you from seeing it before?  Could it be that you were blinded by your previous cognitive commitment (beliefs).

Deepak Chopra relates an experiment some scientists performed on cats that clearly show what happens when we are prematurely cognitively committed.  The cats at birth were separated into two groups.  One group was placed in a room with horizontal stripes and all they could see were horizontal.  The other group was placed in a room with vertical stripes and all they could see were vertical.

When the cats in the horizontal group developed and were placed in a room of furniture, they kept bumping into the furniture legs and anything that was vertical.  They had prematurely committed to a horizontal world.  The cats from the vertical room could not see the horizontal.

We, like the cats, boomer women learned our beliefs and attitudes (horizontal/vertical stripes) from our elders and surroundings.  They taught us and showed us the best they could based on their own knowledge.

Boomer women are you bumping into furniture (dreams and desires) because you’re guided by decisions and beliefs you made long ago?  Aren’t you getting tired of the bruises (feeling stuck)?  Imagine going through your days seeing both horizontal and vertical strips in a new way that support and empower you.

Boomer women you can reprogram your cognitive commitments (beliefs) to see the vertical and horizontal stripes.  You can build new beliefs that allow you to live the life you desire and deserve.

To get started changing your beliefs to create the life you desire and deserve email Inez@InezBracy.com to schedule a complimentary life changing strategy session.