Is it possible to change beliefs in a nanosecond to create the lifestyle you dream of?

This morning I was reading “Attract Money Now” by Dr. Joe Vitale and was struck by a statement he made.  I’ve money-3heard it many times and have often said it to others but have never been stopped in my tracks by it as I was this morning.  I started to wonder, “What does that have to do with attracting money now?”

I put the book down because I couldn’t go on.  I had to stop now and deal with the emotions that his statement brought up for me.  Those are and were emotions that I didn’t want to deal with today!  In fact, I thought I had already handled them.  Has this ever happened to you?  You read or hear something that causes you to stop and think, even though you’ve heard it many times before.

After giving myself permission and allowing myself to go through the emotions, I calmed down.  I moved from “how dare he…who does he think he is” to “wow, how powerful is that…it makes perfect sense.”

That one statement caused me to remember the death of my brother on July 2, 2007, 8:15am. In that nanosecond, my beliefs changed forever. 

How do I recall so clearly?  Because it was the day after my birthday!  I went through all those emotions again and then some.  At first I was very angry at my brother for choosing to have a massive heart attack and die on the day after my birthday.  Especially since I had celebrated with friends the night before, enjoying delicious food, ocean sounds and of course champagne.

Why would he leave me now and so suddenly?  My sister called to tell me; at first I didn’t believe her.  As she keeps me on the line, I feel myself turning to ice and suffering as my heart breaks into a million pieces.  I know he is gone. 

You see, I am the sixth of seven children.  He is the fifth.  The seventh child, my baby sister had already made her transition in 1982.  I had made my peace with that. Because I still had him, I thought of myself as an “open face sandwich”…now I am alone, just a slab of meat on a plate, with no bread.  I had never been quite so alone before because he was always there. 

Imagine being left alone in the world with no sides, nothing to bump into, no one to ‘fight’ with and no one to guide me. 

And yes, there are four remaining siblings, but they are not he.  They are not my brother, the one I used to follow behind while growing up, the one who taught me how to ride a bicycle, the one who was always there to protect me.  Even though as we grew older, he didn’t want me tagging along, he tolerated it in good humor.

You see, Dr. Joe Vitale said, “You can change your beliefs and mindset in a nanosecond!”  He was using this as a way of getting his message across “that no matter your circumstances, you can attract money, if you only alter your beliefs.”  I believed that my brother and I would have many years to grow old together.

Having experienced a life altering shift to change beliefs in a nanosecond, I trust it is.  I trust that my belief about attracting money changes in a nanosecond.  Having experienced it once, I look forward with great excitement and anticipation to experience it again.  And standing in this trust, I am following his seven steps.  Any time doubts or negative beliefs appear they are intentionally destroyed!  Beliefs that are contrary to attracting money cannot live here gifts-boxanymore!

Now when I think about the sudden death of my brother I see it as a gift.  This gift of love wrapped up in so much pain, hurt and anger.   This pain that forces me to question and release many long held beliefs.  This pain that compels me to experience nanosecond shifts in my being.  Through it all I’m becoming the person I desire to be.    

Dr. Joe Vitale’s book “Attract Money Now stretches your mind.  Can I really change beliefs?  Is the secret to attracting money and wealth all tied up with our belief system? 

I understand how frightening and frustrating it can be to destroy long held beliefs especially in a nanosecond.  It doesn’t matter how many times you wish things were different.  What matters is that you are willing to change and create the lifestyle you desire!  Schedule your FREE 15 minute Consult now!