Children have no problem with asking “why”.  They ask, why is the grass green, sky blue, why, why, why…?  As boomer women we stopped asking why a long time ago.  Could it be that we were afraid of the answers.  We’re at that ‘certain age’ when we’re no longer afraid of the answers and know that we’re capable of handling whatever comes.  Boomer women fully understand that all of the answers might not be to their liking but….

Now that boomer women are taking control of their life they’re starting to ask the “why” questions again.  Boomer women ask “why” to dig deeper and deeper into unveiling who you really are.  The more we ask “why”, the greater our awareness of our positive and negative behaviors.  These questions allow us to release negative emotions and the negative energy surrounding them.  This allows boomer women to discover who you are really and leads to your highest and greatest good.