construction1You are always faced with choices and decisions.  Many times choices are presented and you’re not even aware that you have a decision to make or that you’ve made a decision.  Remember the time you found yourself giving into your granddaughter because she’s so adorable!

I know many of you have a navigational system.  I’m still using MapQuest and had quite an experience the other day finding a restaurant.  Finally, after sitting down to eat I started thinking about how MapQuest uses old information.

Have you ever been in a strange town with your MapQuest directions?  As you travel through the town, you discover that your MapQuest directions are ‘old’.  Some of the streets are closed and others have a detour because the street is under construction.  As a boomer woman much of your life is like MapQuest directions; you’re guided by old thoughts and fight kicking and screaming NO when new thoughts put you under construction.

You’re intelligent enough to know that you want change, that you want to create the life you dream about and desire but the old thoughts are just oh so comfortable.  You also know that to go under construction requires hard work.  Even though the work is hard, just imagine the ease with which you will create your desired life after the work is done.

Now don’t allow yourself to become to comfortable with the first finished project.  Think of it like this, have you ever been on a walk and got a small pebble in your shoe?  You’re so intent on completing your walk that you ignore the pebble because it’s just a little annoying.  At the end of the walk you take of your shoe and breathe a sigh of relief ahhhh!

What choices or decisions are making you uncomfortable today?