Realizing that my mind, body, spirit connection was suffering from exhaustion I discovered an interesting phenomenon. 

By really paying attention to my self-talk I realized that much of what I was saying didn’t belong to me.  AMAZING!  I started noticing that the tone of voice and statements were coming from my childhood.  And, they were still governing my behavior.  Listening to those voices telling me who I am, whom I can be and what I can do was causing me to wait!

I was waiting because of the conflicting and often confusing messages.  This reminds me of an old saying “right foot starts to move to the right, left foot refuses to move unless right foot will go left.  Resulting in a stalemate, so they stand in one spot” this is what happens when your self-talk is not genuinely yours.

I awakened in the morning tired and was totally exhausted by the end of the day.  Nothing seemed to give me the relief I sought.

The relief to be free, to be energized and to make my decisions based on my desires.  I was stuck…waiting.

Has this ever happened to you?  Waiting to be the person you know yourself to be is becoming your hardest daily chore.  Each day brings the opportunity to be that person, but… the voices in your head become louder each time you make the attempt to be.  The voices that tell you, “you’re not smart enough, not good enough and not loveable.”

Looking at your environment, you have evidence that you are smart enough, good enough and loveable.  However, seeing the evidence causes you to feel more and more deceitful so we keep waiting.

You feel as if you are a fraud because the outside isn’t congruent with the inside!  Because, inside you have an empty space, a void that nothing seems to fill.  You’ve tried shopping, traveling, eating, multiple relationships…and nothing fills the space!

Training in the art of putting up a front, faking it till you make it is causing you to die little by little and still you wait.

Dying a little each day because the stress and strain of being someone you’re not does not bring satisfaction.  Your education, certificates and special awards are impressive only because they help you fake it better.   The anxiety you feel is eating you inside, inside where you’re just waiting to be real.

Isn’t it time you stop waiting and give yourself permission to be?  Give yourself permission to silence the voices and love yourself unconditionally.  No, you don’t have to wait until you have the perfect body, perfect job, perfect… Boomer women, now is the time to give yourself permission to be your real self all the time creating the lifestyle and business your heart yearns for.  No more waiting!

Giving myself permission was the best gift I’ve ever given myself!  With that permission, I vector-puzzle-piece_98810realized that I needed a coach.  Working with my coach I learned to love me unconditionally, to love my body, and appreciate my intellect and humor.  I was amazed at how easily my pieces of the puzzle came together.  I now say NO when I know it is the answer for me and say YES to my life that I’m designing and creating daily.

You will discover your life fitting together like a well designed puzzle once you say YES to living your life on your own terms! Waiting is OVER!

Looking forward to you sharing your comments on giving yourself permission!