What do you really want; how will you know when you have it?

Does this question cause internal struggle? Just thinking about this question causes you to break out in a ‘cold sweat’, your hands become clammy and chill bumps cover your body. You know you desire and deserve better, but how do you get it? Click to Tweet I know that struggle all too well because I [...]

Three Tips To Move From Frustration To Calm

Have you found yourself frustrated lately? There are things you desire to be, do and have that seem always just out of reach. No matter what you tell yourself, your desires remain elusive. You’ve even written them down, read them daily and still no result. What if I tell you that you’re practicing textbook manifestation, [...]

Three Tips To Living Your Unique Anxiety-Free Life

Woman over 50 you are special! Why do you think they took your footprints the day you were born? Just to show how unique you are, no one else has a footprint exactly like yours. Your footprint is unique because you were born to be and do unique things. How do you feel when you [...]

How To Live Your Dream Life Now

If you’re anything like me, you have dreams that seem just out of reach and every time you decide to ‘go for it’ something happens. I’ve dreamed about traveling abroad all of my life but somehow it was always a struggle to do it. Either I was short of money, or didn’t want to go [...]

Boomer women: a lesson from a rabbit!

Wednesday's Inspirational Thought While walking this morning I saw a rabbit hopping.  I noticed that when the rabbit hopped, boomer women, she elongated her body to about twice her size.  When she landed her body went back to normal.  Of course this got me thinking about personal growth and accomplishing my goals.  Like many of [...]

2016-11-30T10:55:56-04:00May 26th, 2010|Categories: Boomer Women, Lifestyle, Lifestyle Transitions|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Boomer women, what if you really….

Fancy Friday Minute Imagine what your life would be if you faced your 'what ifs.'  How would it be different?  Boomer women, would you do ALL the things that fear stops you from doing now? You have choices; watch the video then choose your best path. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojXBcB79xLk

ASOT: Pinnacle Award Recipient!

I am so excited!  The book "Americans Saving Ourselves Together: How to Thrive in the 21st Century" has received the Pinnacle Award.  I am one of the co-authors and am thrilled to receive this honor with my fellow co-authors. The testimonial below shows how reading this book can change your life. "My experience after I [...]

Magical Monday: Tapping into your femininity

Inez Bracy interviews Al Link and Pala Copeland who have been practicing Tantric and Taoist sacred sex since 1987. Since 1997 their full time occupation is hosting sacred sex and relationships workshops and writing about these subjects for books, magazines, and the internet. As well as co-authoring four books: Soul Sex: Tantra for Two, The [...]

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