Who Would I Be If I Only Knew How

Do you find yourself longing to know, “ who would I be if I only knew how ” because deep inside you feel that something is missing in your life?  You’d love to discover the ‘missing’ piece so that you could complete your puzzle and feel better. You know that filling in the missing piece [...]

Take Good Care Of Yourself

Taking good care of yourself begins in the mind.  How do you think about you?  How do you feel about you?  Answering these questions will get you started on your own self-care regimen giving you the feeling of living your life on your own terms. When I first started on my quest to living on [...]

Listen to Your Intuition

Listen to your intuition!  A huge part of staying safe while traveling is being aware of you and your surroundings at all times.  Intuition helps you with that. Have you ever been enjoying yourself, having fun, laughing out loud and then you feel as if something shifted, something doesn't feel right?  You ignored the feeling [...]

Day 14 0f 45 Day Challenge: Creating Joyful Holidays

Are you dreading the holidays?  Imagine what it would be like to embrace this holiday season with the confidence of knowing you are in charge and that you hold the key to creating joyful holidays. Take a few minutes daily to visualize the holiday that you desire. See yourself successfully enjoying and completing tasks. Beginning [...]

The Power of Choice

Remember as a little girl dreaming of the lifestyle you’d design for you and your love ones.  Does it feel as if your dreams are floating and bursting in air much like the bubbles you so enjoyed blowing? I’m reminded of the story of the scorpion begging the frog for a ride across the lake.  [...]

Americans Saving Ourselves Together

How To Thrive In The 21st Century Co-authors of Americans Saving Ourselves Together: How to Thrive in the 21st Century (ASOT) are hosting a free live teleconference tonight to share insights on how we can take back control or our lives.  It's past time to stop looking at the 'doom and gloom' and look at [...]

It’s Your Time Now!

If you're at all like me, you're finding crossroads and divergent paths everywhere you turn.  Boomer women often find themselves at a crossroads.  You've been running hither and yond for everyone else and neglected yourself.  The nest is finally empty, you're at the top in the workplace or you're retired and yet you still feel [...]

2016-11-30T10:56:11-04:00August 28th, 2009|Categories: Desires, Life Coach, Lifestyle|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Magical Monday: Creating Magical Memories

Monday morning for me always has an air of magic, an air of positive expectancy.  I can't wait to jump out of bed to see what the day and the week will bring! Today was no exception, bouncing out of bed I felt a sense of satisfaction, knowing I would consciously create magical memories. You [...]

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